Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Day 2 Blog #2 Excuses Are For The Useless

Thanks to Andy and Erins class, I forced myself to spend the time to create a sample website for a group called Old Fart Soccer. I used google sites to create this comical site. But it can be applied in the classroom to help our students grasp the concept of google calendar to organize and sync it to the families cell phones if financially possible. It is an example of how to create a site intended on announcing events or organizing groups of people. I intend on having Art Tech students create a google account and create a circle of classmates. We will discuss cyber bullying in advance as well as appropriate consequences. Using the help functions will increase productivity and reduce questions for the teacher and allow the students to be independent thinkers. The possibilities are endless and I look forward to continued exploration of it on a professional level. The title Old Fart Soccer refers to people who have aged beyond their youthful days and enjoy playing the game of soccer without "all that running." It's for those who appreciate the finesse and tactical aspects of the sport. Old Fart Soccer refers to athletes who want to avoid the hacking and shin kicking experienced in soccer leagues. Perhaps, they haven't played because their day jobs are important to them or they have kids to chase around and an injury in a competitive league would be a catastrophe. The name Old Fart refers to someone who talks about getting into shape and thinks about it all day long, but is too lazy to get off the couch and exercise. Forming this group allows the Old Farts to play a game that they know and love without the pressure of full, 1/2 or even 1/4 field running. The games are small sided and the goal posts are orange cones with no goalies. The emphasis is on passing and movement. This group evolved from years of hearing multiple Old Farts talking about the old days when they played the game of soccer and great it was back then. Eventually, the conversation became a looped recording, without anyone organizing the events. Well, here it is you Old Farts: an entire website dedicated to your interest. Now, all you have to do is quit making excuses because I've heard them all. The following are some excuses that were used before and should be avoided in the future: 1. I have to work (no human works 24 hours a day. We'll schedule around your needs) 2. I forgot that I have this prior engagement (use google calendar because it will show you if you've double booked. It even has an alert) 3. I had a rough day at work (once you start moving on the field you'll forget about work) 4. My kid has to go to blah, blah, blah. (most parents drop off their kids and rush off. No one stays anymore. If you've got the kids, then you should bring them. Show them what outside looks like) 5. I don't have cleats (bring sneakers or whatever you walk in and stop being an Old Fart. Kenyan runners are known for running marathons barefoot) 6. I'm an Old Fart. (You are only as old as you allow yourself to be. I once danced at a wedding with the grooms 95 year old grandmother and she wanted my wife and I to take her to the club afterwards. To make a long story short, Excuses are for the useless. Live to the fullest and stop kicking around those extra pounds which prevent you from making the most of your life. Balance your time and remember that giving yourself time to exercise and socialize with friends will help you be a happier person. If you have a family, you probably have forgot about yourself and your interests. Work on yourself and you will feel complete. Your family will benefit from this new you. Plus, you will be apart of a group. Helping others is the most beneficial aspect of human nature. So, don't put off until tomorrow, something you can do today. You Old Fart!

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