Monday, July 9, 2012

Sol, Is Also Spanish For Sun

Today, I went to the funeral of a former co worker who defined the term gentleman. He would begin with a firm hand shake, look you in the eye and ask how are you? By the way, he was not just being polite,his interest was genuine. Each conversation was important and he would guide the conversation with a balance of listening and questioning? He taught me that being present was about sacrificing oneself to understand another. He made many people feel like they were his children or grandchildren. I acknowledge the loss that this family must endure, but at the same time I am happy for these awesome people that he has nurtured because of what remains even after his death. Many strive their entire lives to experience the unity this family has gained because of this man. Today they lost their rock, but in reflection they have gained much more.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to an obviously dear friend that you were most fortunate to work with and learn from. I could use these same words to describe you, though I'm not quite sure I would have come up with them quite as elegantly on my own. I too remember Sol and am sorry to hear of his passing. Thanks for passing along the information Kevin and for your wonderful tribute to Sol.

  2. Hi Kevin,
    Unfortunately I did not meet Sol but am very familiar with his son Ron, Sherri and the boys. I was also at the service today and although I never met Sol I left there feeling sorry I never got to meet such a wonderful human being. Ron, Sherri, Jason and Josh had a wonderful teacher.
