Thursday, July 12, 2012

Day 3 blog 3: Outta Sites

After reflecting on all the hours that we have put into schoolcenter, I feel cheated. Google sites blows schoolcenter out of the water. My first reason is simple: help links. As you probably know,the help links are hyperlinked on the edited page, located exactly where you would need them. Simple, direct, done! The second reason is that everything is google related. Once you have and account, everything connects. Google keeps you within their brand because each offering is exciting, user friendly and free. No gimmicks, costly upgrades or tricks. The third reason is the speed of Google when loading Pics, Video or text. Let's not begin to speak about Schoolcenter. I do not want to be negative. I am greatful for Schoolcenter and thank them for a great foundation for educators. But, Google has improved life for the global educational system. Google has become a great educational tool and we should honor its founders of Larry Page and Sergey Brin alongside Alexander Graham Bell for their contributions to communication. Google has accomplished so much in such little time. I am uncertain of what the future may hold for technology and education. But, I guarantee that Google will be it's leader.


  1. I can see the pros and cons of both School Center and Google sites, but I have to agree that Google is easier to use. I need to work on creating more attractive backgrounds. Seeing as I am not a creative person, this can be a challenge for me. (I'm still drawing stick figures for people.) Google definitely opens more doors for educators. I only hope that Google continues to make most of their content free.

  2. I agree. School center seems to be outdated. There are are so many steps to each thing that you do on school center I sometimes forget what I was doing. I feel much more comfortable with google now and think it would make our lives much easier in school if we used this create our webpages.
