Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mr. Frog

Futuristic Gagets: OMG!

I love technology and I am not referring to computers, alone. I am talking about gadgets that will make life less difficult. The Iphone, Ipads and Androids have made life on the go, easier and more effective.
Watching your kids playing duck, duck, goose at a karate party became easier with technology tools. Businesspeople can now work from the beach. We can be with our family and conduct business. Who writes on paper anymore? This statement was not meant to upset you, but to encourage you to step up your tech game. Technology should not threaten you, it should make your life more enjoyable and less complicated. Last week I replaced my fill valve on my toilet by watching a you tube video tutorial. The plumber even took video of which aisle to visit in the Home Depot to find the part. Technology can turn an uneducated consumer into a knowledgeable, wealthier individual. It will turn a bored class into an excited pack of educated learners. Watch how a few pieces of technology will start a feeding frenzy of discussion about anything educational. Save the excuses about your self inflicted disease I call "Mafunzarelow." Many wealthy people want to buy these tools for you. Yes, You and your students! (as seen on Oprah) has eager donors who will give your classroom these tools for free. All that the donors want in return is evidence of these tools being used through photos of the final product and thank you notes from your students. P.S. write small grants under $200. The $800 grants will take awhile to get full donations. See the site for more details. It's quick and easy. Anyway, wake up your bored students with technology. Thats the point of many tech classes for teachers. If you have to constantly motivate your students, they are bored. Here's how I know this: visit your local apple store. The kids are allowed to use the devices for free. Notice that they are far from bored. Notice that they are smiling, excited and highly involved. This is not a stab. More like a poke. Wake up and plug in.
In the future, gadgets will be replaced at such a fast pace that we will need to rent them and will be available to the masses. Check out this video link on futuristic gadgets and count how many times you say WOW!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Visually impaired technology

I am amazed by technology and it's impact on the hearing impaired and visually impaired community. The article How VoIP Can Connect the Disabled shares how how a visually impaired businessman can screen his calls on his Iphone and listen to his emails using a PC-based phone that runs on voice-over-Internet-protocol (VoIP) technology. It would be amazing if the future Iphone 5 can help translate colors for our friends who are color impaired. Together Our government, and Corporate America could jointly embrace VoIP and helping people with disabilities become more productive and useful workers. Although, manufacturers and access providers need to adjust the infrastructure to make VoIP perform for the disabled community as good as it does for everyone else. Great things to come in the future of adjusting technology to meet every need. I'm glad Andy assigned this one! Check out the article for yourself: